Several search modes allow you to query the three referenced corpora (Etruscan, Campanian and Apulian painting ; archaic reliefs from Chiusi ; hydriae from Cerveteri) :
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Authors are Rita Benassai (RBe), Raffaella Bonaudo (RB), Valérie Bruneteau (VB), Ophélie Chapuis, Ludi Chazalon (LC), Laurence Chevillat (LCh), Natalie Cholodenko, Annick Fenet (AF), Luigi Finochietti (LF), Marianne Gomes (MG), Audrey Gouy (AG), Andrea Grazian (AG), Laurent Haumesser (LH), Fany Lejeune (FL), Natacha Lubtchansky (NL), Salomé Masseboeuf-Robin, Laetitia Prieto (LP), Ngouille Seck, Marlène Trochet (MT).